Twin State Driving Academy, Inc.

To Sign up for a class, check out the following materials:

​Classroom Schedule - Here are the dates and times.  

Driver Ed Handbook and Parent practice guide. Here you will find all the
information you need about how the class works. A mandatory read, as 
students will be quizzed on this material on the first class!

Print the Registration Form: 

Then please return by snail mail:

To Twin State Driving 37 Elm St. Lebanon, NH 03766
Registration Form
Birth certificate copy
$200 Deposit

You will receive an acknowledgement email when you have been placed in a class that fits your date of birth and free time​.
Please be sure to check out the FAQ's page for important information.  

Welcome to Driver's Education at 
                          Lebanon High School  
​Please read through the handbooks, schedules 
and FAQ's to fully understand how Driver Ed works. 

We are Full for the 24-25 School year.
  You can send in a registration form to be on the 
waitlist for the summer class if you wish.
Waitlists do not carry over to the next school year.   

Updated 1-26-25