Twin State Driving Academy, Inc.
To Sign up for a class, check out the following materials:
Classroom Schedule - Here are the dates and times.
Driver Ed Handbook and Parent practice guide. Here you will find all the
information you need about how the class works. A mandatory read, as
students will be quizzed on this material on the first class!
Print the Registration Form:
Then please return by snail mail:
To Twin State Driving 37 Elm St. Lebanon, NH 03766
Registration Form
Birth certificate copy
$200 Deposit
You will receive an acknowledgement email when you have been placed in a class that fits your date of birth and free time.
Please be sure to check out the FAQ's page for important information.
Welcome to Driver's Education at
Lebanon High School
Please read through the handbooks, schedules
and FAQ's to fully understand how Driver Ed works.
We are Full for the 24-25 School year.
You can send in a registration form to be on the
waitlist for the summer class if you wish.
Waitlists do not carry over to the next school year.